About Us
In hindsight, every great company was built to solve the problem faced by themselves. After moving to Bangalore, fencing with our day jobs - We found ourselves ordering online from various food delivery aggregators. These aggregators can charge a commission of up to 30% on each order on top of their delivery charges, surcharges, packaging charges, platform fee, etc.
We firmly believe, paying premium for a basic necessity like food should not be so common that it becomes the new normal. Infact, We at Craveo are highly mindful of the fact that there is a fair price for eveything, and consistently overpaying for that would lead to the increasing economical gap of our society. We can already see the aftermath of the uber and rapido - No autowala quotes a fair price now a days. We want to bring the new normal back, an old-school trick designed to solve the problem.
At Craveo, our mission is simple: to ensure that every online food order you place is at the best possible price, every single time. Craveo empowers you to compare prices across D2C and ONDC platforms, so you can always get the best value for your money.